Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NOC in San Diego

The National outreach convention is on. This week I am manning the booth at the NOC with Dr. Randy Deal from Phoenix Arizona. Some great things here besides the weather! Randy is pastor of Rock Point church in Phoenix He has a great passion for God and making disciples. Besides that he is just fun to hang out with.

The second picture is me with Jon Lowry of Prison Fellowship. Check out their website to see what incredible things God is doing in the ministry to those in prison and how they are Transformed and brought back into the community. Jon stopped by the booth and as we talked he shared his incredible testimony of how God had led him from prison to ministering to gang members in Southern California. I was blown away by his story and yet knew I had met a brother in Christ. We have got to bring him to Ne Iowa to share what God is doing in his life!

More tomorrow!



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