Ironridge Internship
I would like to introduce you to one of our interns at Ironridge. This year we will have several interns who will be going through an intense ministry internship to prepare them for ministry. You will see them in new avenues as they begin to seek God's direction for them in ministry. We are excited to see this calling in their lives and have them as a part of the Ironridge team.
Bryan Mincks as many of you may know him is a part of Ironridge but recently has sought God's leading as to his direction in ministry as what God has planned for his future.
So you want to take a glimpse into my mind? OK, you asked for it! I'm a movie lover and have way too many, that I have watched way too many times. I've spent a great part of my life in front of people whether it be in plays, speech or on-stage Sunday mornings and I've loved every minute of it. I enjoy entertaining people. I have a pet Pug named Gizmo and enjoy spending my free time with my girlfriend Angela. Most people you meet that know me can tell you that there is never a dull moment and with Gods help I plan on keeping it that way. This is starting to sound like a bad dating bio so I am going to move on. I've been involved with ministry my whole life. I came to Christ at a young age and have since then been involved in many facets of the church. My first church was Grace Fellowship where I took part in youth group, became an AWANA leader and eventually took part in the Sunday Mornings as a singer. As I got older I participated in a ministry out of Chicago and eventually became a leader. In helping create this ministry from the ground up, I learned how to play the djembe (a large African drum), became a barista aka Coffee Maker and was able to take two mission trips to the Bahamas. Once my family moved to Waukon to plant a church, I became heavily involved with Ironridge taking on any responsibility my father would throw at me. I have since then been leading worship every Sunday and taking care of the many technical problems that come our way sometimes! I am excited to see God move through this ministry in a way that we aren't expecting. I've seen the potential this group of believers has and can not wait to be part of how God will use us.
praying for you as you pursue God's call on your life!
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