How Do I Hear God’s Voice?
Recently I have had this discussion with several people. There always seems to be so much mystique about this subject. Depending on your background or where you are at in your walk with Christ you may struggle with this whole issue. So many make this a tough thing and literally freeze from doing anything for fear that they will be out of God's will. Is that God's plan that we live so cautiously? I don't see that anywhere in the bible. Then there is the group that always whispers when it comes to God's will and hearing his voice as if it is more of a spiritual seance than a relationship. Is that what hearing his voice is like ? Where are the people that risk it all and see God show up? Where are the people that hear his voice and make a difference in the lives of those Christ has called us to reach?
I found this article by Perry Noble that I think clears up a lot of the thoughts on Hearing God's voice. Check it out
Often when I am speaking I will say something like, “I felt the Lord say to me…” AND, just as often as I make that comment I will have someone ask me, “How do you hear God’s voice?”
Let me be very clear…I’ve never heard Him speak audibly to be…I am quite sure I would crap my pants if that happened! BUT…I did want to share four ways that I believe the Lord speaks…at least I know He has used these ways in my life…
#1 - God’s Word
God speaks LOUDLY through His Word…it is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)…and NO ONE that I’ve ever met has screwed up their lives by submitting their lives to the Scriptures.
God’s Word IS God’s will…and I believe more people would hear His voice if they would stop asking Him to say what they want Him to say…and spend some time focusing on what He’s already said!
#2 - God’s Spirit
The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside a believer at the moment of salvation. (Jesus talked about this a lot in John 14-16.)
One of the promises we have from God all through the Bible is that READ ON
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