Arizona Converge USA Assessment Center
Last week was spent directing the Converge USA Assessment Center Held in Chandler Arizona. It was held by a group of great churches in the Southwest Converge District. The way we were treated was inspiring to say the least! Cornerstone Church in Chandler was the site and what we saw from them was nothing short of stunning, even the weather was spectacular, 72 and sunny. I missed out on the mind numbing cold that the Midwest was experiencing.
Pastor Linn Winters and the staff from the church displayed amazing servant hearts throughout the week. The day of arrival we were given gift cards for the bookstore or coffee shop for $15. The second day gift cards of $25. The following day the candidates were giving credit cards for Dinner out or shopping. The entire week was filled with incredible stories of God's providence in the lives of the people we met.
The Southwest district of Converge Hosted the assessment because of their passion to see new churches started, resulting in the impacted lives of thousands through the life changing message of Jesus Christ. We thank all of them for making this possible.
Every Assessment Center includes lots of food. Just so happens in Phoenix there is a Starbucks within a few blocks of anywhere you may be. That is always the right way to start the morning.The AC also includes lots of work. If you take part in one you can expect four days of hard work. However the rewards of serving in this capacity that will touch so many lives and lead so many to Christ through new churches starting is humbling. Through the Assessment Center you get to see what 'New Things' God is up to and so many of the people he is using.
Even with all the work it takes you will learn as you take part in the process. Many have shared how they have returned home with greater passion to plant churches.
We won't wear you out too bad. There are still chances to catch up on your rest. It may be in the busy entryway of the church , but like Tony here. You have got to catch a little shut eye when you get the chance.Maybe Church Planting is in your future? If you are feeling the call to do a New thing. We would love to be a part of the process. For additional information on the Converge USA Assessment you can contact Susan Ward at
It may be the beginning of the most incredible journey. Check out this link for additional information on the Converge USA Assessment center Click Here
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Church planters Assessment center
Cornerstone Church Chandler Arizona
Praying For Peter
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