Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trunk Or Treat Was A Great Success

Trunk Or Treat was a huge success last night. We estimated that over 800 people took part in it. What a great opportunity to make our church known and to serve so many people in our community. We made an impression on many people, that we would do such a thing and not charge for it. I mean after all normal people charge for their cotton candy. But you can't accuse us of being normal. In fact we are like everyone else on a journey to discover our purpose in life. We also know that God is working in our midst and that we serve him by serving others.
Consider this week inviting someone to Ironridge. We hold a message inside us that is more valuable than any other in the world. Sharing that message can bring real life change. Together in community we can change what others think will never change. Not because of us, but because of who lives in us. Hope to see you at Ironridge Sunday!


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